The need-to-know of bounti Flow

fitness Nov 25, 2022

After working its way into our programmes, class timetable and FOMO selection, you may be wondering “What is bounti Flow?”. Well, let’s break it down... 


bounti Flow is a predominantly cardio-focused rebounding workout, where Lisa teaches you a sequence, or routine, that’s first done separately on each side of your body, starting with the right, and then the same routine on the left. Once you’ve learned the routine on both sides of your body, both sides are seamlessly pieced together in the grand finale.

In other words, after doing the routine on the right and left sides of your body, you do the entire routine on your right and left side, one after the other, pieced together with no break.

While the routine is done to the beat of the music, with a super fun and fast-paced playlist, a Flow routine is not really dance-based. It’s better described as a sequence, consisting of various complex rebounding workout moves, with transitions between them, that make it easier, and more natural, for your body to go from move to move. 

Because the movements are often explosive, fast-paced and really dynamic, we rarely use accessories during bounti Flow workouts. For an extra burn, you may use light wrist or ankle weights (no more than 0.5kgs each), but as long as you’re pushing down into the rebounder mat with each bounce, you should get a super effective workout in.

To balance out the strong cardio element of Flow, we often take a break halfway through the class – often in the gap after learning the sequence on your body’s right side, just before we start learning the left side – where we do a bit of strength training. This resistance training is often 2-3 songs, and consists of upper-body and core moves, as the Flow routine itself really works your legs. For the strength element, Lisa does incorporate the use of some accessories – such as Resistance Bands, Pilates Balls and heavier dumbbells (1.5-5kgs).

Flow workouts are approximately 60 minutes in duration.


Because it’s predominantly cardio-focused, many people underestimate Flow’s effectiveness! It’s actually an incredibly beneficial style of rebounding – with its benefits being completely exclusive and unique to it. Flow improves your:

  • Co-ordination
  • Stamina
  • Endurance
  • Reflexes and fast movements
  • Unilateral movement – as it incorporates a lot of one-legged bouncing
  • Balance
  • Proprioception
  • Agility
  • Stabilising and balancing out the body, especially if you have a dominant side, that’s stronger than the other
  • Technique and control
  • Rhythm and timing
  • Cardiovascular fitness
  • Memory and focus

...Seriously, what’s not to love?


bounti Flow primarily focuses on co-ordination, memory and cardiovascular endurance. It can be quite challenging to master, so you really do have to maintain your concentration, bring your A-game and persevere until you get it right!

Although all fitness levels are always welcome, bounti Flow is a rebounding style more suitable for those who have established at least an intermediate level of rebounding fitness and proficiency. 

The consistent, often one-legged, fast-paced bouncing is really taxing on the legs – your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and especially your calves! Along with the intense concentration, which is mentally challenging, Flow also really tests your cardiovascular endurance. If you do not have any foundation of rebounding fitness, it’s recommended that you work your way up gradually, before attempting bounti Flow. 

However, if you’re an adamant beginner – don’t worry. There are modifications you can incorporate to make a Flow routine more manageable. Also, feel free to take as many breaks and stretches, as needed, throughout the workout… Remember that simply dressing up, showing up and giving your best is always good enough – and, with patience and consistency, you’ll gradually work your way up the fitness ladder!


With this being said, bounti Flow really is not something to be afraid of… If you are hitting a plateau in your rebounding fitness, proficiency or results, bounti Flow is the perfect way to spice things up! 

Your comfort zone is the enemy of progress, as our bodies are masters at adaptation. If you want to see results, you can’t cling to familiarity. Too much of the same simply won’t take you any further. It’s so important to try new things, and keep your body always challenged, guessing and progressing! There’s really no other rebounding style that challenges your body in the same, unique way. Don’t limit your challenges, challenge your limits! 

bounti Flow is also incredibly fun! The feeling of finally mastering the routine, remembering all of the moves, and being completely in sync with the sequence is just so rewarding. It’s impossible to end a bounti Flow session without feeling satisfied and accomplished.


Now that we’ve convinced you to give it a go, we offer bounti Flow in so many forms for you to try out!

  • Do you prefer live classes? Lisa Raleigh offers weekly bounti Flow classes, bright and early, every single Friday morning at 06:15AM, both in-studio and FREE, live online, via Zoom! To book your spot, simply contact Joyce at either [email protected], or 060 856 3469.
  • Looking for a programme? Our more advanced bounti LEVEL UP Programme includes a bounti Flow workout on every 2nd day of its 8 weeks. The bounti LEVEL UP Programme really adds another dimension to your rebounding workouts, provided that you’ve already established a substantial foundation of rebounding fitness. Push yourself, step it up and make the effort to make it count… Progress begins outside of your comfort zone, so level up with bounti LEVEL UP!

  • Want an offline anytime option? We offer downloadable bounti Flow FOMO workouts that have been filmed, edited and made available for your downloading pleasure – either separately or bundled together!
  • Keen to have all-you-can-eat access? Check out our Life of bounti Subscription Service, which gives you unlimited access to all of our bounti Programmes – as well as 20 brand-new FOMO workouts each month – for an affordable, fixed monthly fee… Obviously, these programmes and workouts include bounti Flow too!


"I’m a self-proclaimed “Flow Fanatic”! Seriously, I love this style of rebounding so much. It’s my favourite class to instruct! I look forward to Flow Fridays every week… It gets me out of bed, that bright and early, with an extra pep in my step. There’s no better way to kick off my weekend!

Flow is the best thing I’ve ever done for my rebounding. It’s challenged my body and my brain in such new, different and unique ways, and seriously taken my rebounding skill and proficiency up a notch!

I remember, when I first started instructing Flow, I would have to practice the routine for hours the night before my classes… It was a lot of physical and cognitive hard work to get it right – especially to the point of not only remembering it, but also teaching it! 

As the months have progressed, I found it easier and easier! I’m now at the point where I don’t have to practice for my Flow classes at all! I can simply show up, and make up the routine on the spot, with ease… It’s mind-blowing how far I’ve come with it!

Flow has even made it easier for me to remember other rebounding dances and choreography, which has saved me so much time on jam-packed shoot days.

I also found Flow really challenging in the beginning, but – like I always say – what doesn’t challenge you, doesn’t change you!"