Exercise safely through the coronavirus

fitness Feb 18, 2021

With all the uncertainty around the coronavirus, I’m sure you’re feeling uneasy and a little anxious about this global pandemic and what it means for you, your family and friends, as well as our country. I am too. But rather than focusing on what I can’t control – like the rising coronavirus cases and the suffering around the world, I am choosing to focus on what I can control, and what I’m grateful for.

While you’re practicing social distancing and self-isolation, there’s no better time to refocus on and prioritise your health and wellbeing as well as your family’s. To you, this might mean: 

  • Going for a walk in your complex if you’re not in a freestanding house
  • Reading a great book
  • Enjoying the fresh air outdoors
  • Giving back to your community
  • Writing your thoughts down in a journal
  • Cooking healthy meals or baking together as a family
  • Exercising daily (indoors or outdoors in your garden)

I know that this is also a time of juggling – where you’re probably working from home, and managing a busy household, but if I can just stress one thing - exercise is critical for your mental health, as well as your physical health. It’s a known mood-booster and de-stressor, even If you just squeeze in 30 minutes of activity per day.  And most importantly, exercise – especially rebounding, helps to stimulate lymphatic flow and boost your immune system- which is really important at this time, as the coronavirus is a new virus, and our bodies need all the help they can get to fight it.

how rebounding boosts your immune system

ALSO SEE: How rebounding boosts your immune system

How to exercise safely

At this time, the best way to exercise is on your own or with your partner or family members at home.

Some of the best ways to exercise right now are:

  • Walking, jogging, running outdoors in the fresh air. 
  • Going for family hikes – spending time exercising in nature is one of the best ways to de-stress and burn some calories. 
  • Cycling outdoors
  • Swimming in your own pool at home and doing laps
  • Using resistance such as dumbbells, kettle bells, body bars or resistance bands to complete circuit-style training. Click here to browse my Online Store for the best deals on home exercise equipment and accessories. Order now to avoid disappointment.

Always make sure to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after you’ve completed your exercise session, followed by sanitiser.

Join a live online class!

Although my rebounding classes (in the Parkhurst hall) are on pause for now, I’ve just launched my own live online classes called BOUNTI classes. These give you the chance to exercise safely at home, and enjoy all the benefits of rebounding in a class-style environment. You have a few options to choose from. Click here  to read my detailed blog on what I have on offer for you. 

Here’s what you need to join a BOUNTI class:

  • Your own rebounder
  • A quiet, designated space at home for you to bounce
  • Decent Wi-Fi coverage/signal
  • A speaker to stream the music would be ideal so that you can listen to it in the same way as you do for class
  • Keep it safe – no low ceilings or hanging lights
  • Bounce away from sharp objects or glass tables

While you can bounce with no accessories, I always use a variety of equipment in each class to help you become fitter and stronger! Some accessories you’ll need:

Class details

  • 45- 60-minute sessions
  • Times/days to be booked on the Box Champ app. (Contact [email protected] for more info).  
  • Once you’ve purchased sessions, they’ll be loaded onto an account for you with Box Champ. You can then select the sessions you would like to do. 

Just a note:

The whole idea of doing live classes with me is to help us all stay accountable and show up. You’ve booked, you’ve paid, I’m waiting for you!

So, the same rules apply for these classes as they would for my Parkhurst classes. If you need to cancel, please do at least 3 hours before the class, or the night before for my 6am classes.

Click here to book your classes, or email [email protected] for the weekly class schedule. 

If you’d prefer to work out at home without a rebounder, have a look at my full body, upper body and lower body resistance band printable workouts here.