6 simple ways to make your home workouts more fun

fitness Feb 23, 2021

One thing I’ve learned this year is that life can be unpredictable, and we need to focus on finding enjoyment in the present moment. So, if you find yourself counting down every minute of your workout, you should find ways to make exercise more fun! Routine can be comforting, especially in these uncertain times, but predictability can become boring. Stepping out of your comfort zone could help you find something new and more enjoyable.  
Fun is a huge motivational factor. If you enjoy doing something, you’re going to want to do it more often. The benefits of exercise are always worth the hard work, but who says the hard work can’t also be fun? Bring the fun back, and with it, your motivation.

Here are a few ways to make your workouts more enjoyable:

1. Recruit a workout buddy

Life is full of solo activities; but exercise doesn’t have to be one of them. If you’re always coming up with excuses to ditch your workouts, this tip is for you! I’ve always been self-motivated , but having someone to train with is great too . It definitely holds me accountable on cold days or after I’ve had a terrible night’s sleep when motivation is low.

2. Join a class 

Not everyone feels comfortable joining a live class right now, but online fitness classes are a great alternative. Break away from your usual gym routine and try something new. Check out my online Bounti rebounding classes! If you’d like a set time to show up, join my live online classes. I also offer pre-recorded Bounti classes if you prefer to bounce at a time that suits you.

Rebounding is such a fun way to exercise; the moves and choreography are almost like dancing, which always put me in a great mood. The class atmosphere is hugely motivating because people are always happier when they’re bouncing. Many of my classes have fun themes too – from Christmas to the 80’s, to Mothers’ Day, to women empowerment. It is so much fun, you might even forget how hard you’re working!

Lisa raleigh rebounding for Bounti Beginner's Programme
ALSO SEE: New to rebounding? Try the Bounti 8-Week Beginner’s Progamme

3. Find your favourite workout tunes

The highlight of many of my workouts is the music. I take the time to curate my playlists, combining warm-up songs, higher intensity songs for cardio, strength training songs, and slower cool-down music. When you work out, you take your heart rate on a journey, and music plays a fundamental role in that. I always make sure I have my Bluetooth speaker or my earphones on hand (and charged!) for my workouts. An upbeat playlist motivates me to burn more calories while keeping up with the beat.

According to a report in Psychology Today, music during exercise has been shown to:

  • Delay fatigue
  • Increase physical capacity
  • Improve energy efficiency
  • Improve endurance

 4. Change it up

Variety is truly the spice of life, especially when it comes to exercise. If you find yourself getting bored of your workouts, perhaps you need a change of scenery. If you’re a runner, switch up your routes. Enjoy home workouts? Take it outside. Exercising outdoors is a natural stress reliever, so go get some extra vitamin D and enjoy the fresh air.  
Or change the kind of exercise you do. Try going for a hike, run or bike ride. If you’re battling fatigue, then try an easier workout, like going for a walk, swim or rebounding session – remember some physical activity is better than none at all.
I like to plan my workouts in advance by jotting it all down and switching it up regularly. I make sure to incorporate different kinds of exercise into my routine, including cardio or strength training. I also change the number of reps I do, which muscles I work, the music I listen to and even my rest period in between sequences. Sometimes I count reps, sometimes I use a circuit timer. This is the only way to keep the body guessing and the metabolism fired up!

5. Build up your home gym equipment

To make exercise more fun, and recruit different muscles, I like to use a variety of equipment in each session. For your simple home workouts, get a variety of weights, Invest in some adjustable ankle weights for added intensity or a resistance band to spice up leg day. Even invest in some good-quality dumbbells or a Body Bar to optimise your weight training sessions. A kettle bell is also really versatile. You don’t have to spend a fortune. Check out my e-store for more home gym equipment that doesn’t take up too much space, but will help you change things up.

Keen to try rebounding? First you’ll need a Spring Studio Pro or Bungee Studio Pro rebounder, or a complete Starter Kit to get you going. The good news is most of the equipment I mention above is ideal for rebounding too!

And, whether you feel like you need additional support with balance, or you want to take your rebounding to the next level and jump higher and harder, it’s a good idea to  invest in a T-Bar, as it’s ideal for both beginners and advanced bouncers.

6. Reward yourself

It can sometimes take a while to see results, and too often we wait until we achieve our end goal to reward ourselves. However, setting small goals and rewarding yourself along the way can make your fitness journey lot more enjoyable.

Even if your goal is just to complete your daily workout or exercise 3, 4 or 5 times that week. Treat yourself for lifting that extra 2kg in your strength training session, or for managing an extra 5 sit ups in your HIIT class. Make a delicious post-workout smoothie or splurge on pampering yourself if your muscles are sore. I’m into fashion, so I love spoiling myself with a new pair of shoes or a pretty top! Reflexology or a foot massage is another one of my all-time favourite treats.  

It’s important to challenge yourself, but this can get boring if there aren’t measurable goals along the way. The sense of accomplishment you’ll feel when you enjoy little rewards along the way, definitely makes your workouts more fun, whilst encouraging you to meet your fitness goals.

 Lisa Raleigh tips how to set achievable goals

ALSO SEE: How to Make Achievable Goals